Sorry I haven't been postnig recently, had a minor op on my toe last week and haven't been able to think of what to write since. It did, however, give me some time off work which I had to fill with something, so I filled it with crafting.
There's a local craft fair next weekend that I just so happen to have booked the day off work for, since it's the day after a wedding I'm going to, so my sister and I thought we'd try and book a stall. Well, I tried emailing a week ago and got no response so mum called the number on the panflet for it and spoke to the mayor. Apparently she was really nice and we've now got a stall booked for us.
So since last night, I've been frantically trying to make some stock. I've already got a little bag full of elasticated bracelets I've made in the past and I added a few more this week, as well as those, I've made a few clay pendants and earrings which I'll post soon, I need to get some decent pictures first.
I don't really have many different toppers and things at the moment, so I checked the angel policy for the Gorjuss range by Docrafts (I love it so much, I wish I could afford to buy loads of their stuff) and I'm glad that I'll be able to make some really cute cards using their characters to sell.
I'm a good girl, I check the law.
Other than that, this week has been pretty quiet since I've been stuck indoors most of the time. My boyfriend came over and set up my new PC though, so my work area now has more space and is a lot more comfortable for me to actually work at and I've also made some more cards for that competition I mentioned before. Another month and I might be able to post them on here, until then you'll all have to make do with pictures of the stock I'm working on. I hope you like it all though!
Until next time!
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